
Posts Tagged ‘ecology’

As the mother of two boys, I think the idea that girls are more sensitive than boys is a myth. In our culture, we certainly train boys out of being connected to their emotions and listening to their hearts, but I have experienced a tenderness and sensitivity in my boys that continues to amaze me.

The other day at the zoo (a place I often feel conflicted about), the little monkey saw a dead white mouse in one of the snake cages.

He ran over and said, “Mama, what happened to that mouse?”

“He is food for the snake. Snakes eat mice, just like we eat salad and chicken and oatmeal.”

The little monkey turned toward the cage and whispered, “But he is one of my very most special friends. I don’t want the snake to eat him.” With tears in his eyes and a stronger voice, he said, “Don’t worry little mouse, I will come back later and get you.”

As we moved on through the zoo, he forgot about the little white mouse, but he continued to talk to the animals about he would help them out or rescue them.

The next day, he turned his tender heart towards his love of nature. As we drove down the highway, he saw a logging truck, stacked tall with fat trees. He pointed and said, “I don’t like when they cut down my trees. I am going to get those trees, bring them home and put them back together with tape.”

We talked for a while about forests, trees and how wood is used. He insisted that even if people needed wood to build things, there had to be another way than cutting down “his trees.” Indeed.

I have many similar stories about my older son, aptly named Sweet Boy (but really now more a Sweet Man). As he turns 18 this summer, I am filled with curiosity about what direction his wise heart will lead him.

I strongly believe that allowing boys to be more connected to their hearts can heal and transform our world. I can’t wait to see it happen…

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